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horse wrangler meaning in Hindi

horse wrangler sentence in Hindi
horse    घोड़ा घोड़ा घोड़ी
wrangler    झगड़ालू लड़ाका
1.Nonetheless, Reacher manages to get himself hired on as a horse wrangler.

2.She was the daughter of noted Hollywood horse wrangler Clarence " Fat " Jones.

3.Out West, there are horse wranglers.

4.When he arrived in Hollywood, Hughes hired him as the film's horse wrangler.

5.In dozens of his early films, he was either a stand-in, a stuntman or a horse wrangler.

6.It was written by Stewart Stern and directed by Dennis Hopper, who also played a horse wrangler named after the state of Kansas.

7.In June 1994, 50 years after he arrived in Hollywood as a horse wrangler, Johnson received a star on the Walk of Fame.

8.The Eastern artist found that he could function as a horse wrangler, and began to put pen to paper to depict his new life.

9.According to the AHA, the owner of an abused horse filed a lawsuit against the producers, director, Partisan Productions, and the horse wrangler.

10.Another $ 10, 000 of the budget was for the horse wranglers'salaries, the only union element of the film, apart from the actors.

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How to say horse wrangler in Hindi and what is the meaning of horse wrangler in Hindi? horse wrangler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.